Demo 2010 - NUS and UCU are jointly organising a national demonstration – 'Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts' - to take place on Wednesday 10 November 2010
Demo 2010 – NUS and UCU are jointly organising a national demonstration – 'Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts' – to take place on Wednesday 10 November 2010
Join us as we march on the streets of central London to fight against the looming, savage education cuts.
NUS and UCU are jointly organising a national demonstration – ‘Fund Our Future: Stop Education Cuts’ – to take place on Wednesday 10 November 2010.
View the video created by Swansea Met SU
View the video created by Cardiff Union Television
NUS speak to the women who inspired the film Made In Dagenham – The Ford Strikers of 1968
Messages from the National Executive Council
We have recorded a number of messages that you can use in the videos you are creating to promote the national demo. They can be found here and you can watch them below.
You can use this site:
to download the videos from YouTube and add them into an promotional videos you are making.
We Will March | 10.11.10
Demo Pledges:
Scotland unions pledge to bring students to the national demo:
Wales pledge to bring students to the demo:
Photos from our previous march:
no more cuts.
change this goerment..